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Alexander Campbell as Franz and Francesca Hayward as Swanilda in Coppélia, The Royal Ballet ©2019 ROH. Photograph by Bill Cooper
Alexander Campbell as Franz and Francesca Hayward as Swanilda in Coppélia, The Royal Ballet ©2019 ROH. Photograph by Bill Cooper

Your Reaction: What did you think of The Royal Ballet's Coppélia 2019/20?

Audience and press reviews of Ninette de Valois’ charming and funny ballet.

ByBecky Black (Social Media Editor)
Friday 29 November 2019, 10.38am
Artists of The Royal Ballet in Coppélia, The Royal Ballet ©2019 ROH. Photograph by Bill Cooper
Artists of The Royal Ballet in Coppélia, The Royal Ballet ©2019 ROH. Photograph by Bill Cooper

Press reviews:

The Telegraph ★★★★

Evening Standard ★★★★

Time Out ★★★★

The Guardian ★★★

What did you think of Coppélia?
Let us know by commenting below, or by using #ROHcoppelia

Coppélia runs until 7 January 2020. Tickets are still available here.

The performance on 10 December will be relayed live to cinemas around the world. Find your nearest cinema and sign up to our mailing list.

The production is staged with generous philanthropic support from Julia and Hans Rausing, Susan and John Burns, the Coppélia Production Syndicate, The Royal Opera House Endowment Fund and an anonymous donor.

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Royal Opera House Covent Garden Foundation, a charitable company limited by guarantee incorporated in England and Wales (Company number 480523) Charity Registered (Number 211775)